“Seeing what has been achieved in two years is quite surprising, and it has also touched my heart”

The President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, and Mr Preca, visited the Centre for Children and Youths in Durres, Albania which is run by the Maltese Dominican Community in Albania. Following a programme of traditional folk music and dance, the President was shown around the premises by Father Geoffrey Bugeja. 


The President inaugurated the new kindergarten facilities of the Centre, which like the other parts of the Centre were made possible thanks to the financial contributions of people from Malta and Gozo. 


The President of Malta, who has previously visited Durres two years ago when the Centre was still in its early construction stages, remarked that seeing the progress which has been done in the space of two years “is a big surprise, but it also touched my heart”, and that the whole centre is a reminder and a confirmation of the kind-heartedness of the people of Malta and Gozo. 


Whilst addressing those present, the President said that she looks forward to welcoming the young people of Durres to Malta as she proposed that youth exchanges between Malta and Durres are organised.