Speech by Her Excellency, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta during the Inauguration of the Wilhelmsen Malta Offices, at the Valletta Waterfront

Honourable Joe Mizzi, Mr Wilhelmsen, Distinguished guests


Good morning.

 I feel truly honoured to be a part of the celebrations of Wilhelmsen Holdings ASA, when, as a Global Maritime Group, you inaugurate your new offices in Malta.


As befit a modern, global company, your new premises represent an ideal place of work for all the employees, an environment that helps to nurture good work practices and a consolidation of the philosophy of the company, while also, these new offices are situated in one of the Mediterranean’s most beautiful harbours. 


Malta has a Maritime tradition that is centuries old. The strategic location of the Maltese Islands at the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, its natural harbours, and the entrepreneurial and maritime skills of its people have, since time immemorial together with its history and millennial culture, to transform this European sovereign state into an international maritime service centre.


Malta has become one of the world’s leading shipping nations, and will continue to strive to enhance its registration flag.


During the forthcoming Presidency of the European Union in 2017, Malta will continue to take its leadership in the Maritime industry further. 


During the Presidency, Malta will put the Maritime industry high on the European agenda with the aim to further develop a Mediterranean Basin Strategy.  The blue growth, as it is being called, will see the strengthening of Maritime Tourism.


I must thank Mr Wilhelmsen, for believing in the potential of Malta and our people. 


You have invested highly in Malta, and I am sure that the return will make you proud of your foresight in believing in Malta as a Maritime hub in a most geostrategic position in the heart of the Mediterranean.


Your company has realised the possibility of collaboration. Investments similar to yours are crucial for the economy of my country to further strengthen the significant performance in its economic growth.


I thank you for showing such confidence in my country and its workforce. On the other hand, Malta will continue to strive to render its economic environment more attractive to investors like you and your global company. 


Foreign investment in Malta creates more jobs, and thus generates a stronger economy to be enjoyed by all.


In return, Malta will work hard to continue to offer a very attractive business and investment environment. Malta is a country that can boast of a stable economy, sound financial institutions and, probably the most important element of all, that of having a diligent and capable workforce. 


Our human resource is the most valuable resource that we possess, and we have invested, and we will continue to invest heavily in education, training and capacity building in this regard.


I augur Wilhelmsen much success and a continued spirit of entrepreneurship, in order to grow even further and be of service to all.


May you continue to grow, create more jobs, and look forward to a healthy, economic future for your company, but especially, for yourselves and your families.


To our foreign guests, I augur you too all the very best in your ventures, for the benefit of both our countries and our peoples.


Whilst I augur you all the success, I have to thank Mr. Wilhelmsen for reminding us how Wilhelmsen, as a company, has been part of Malta’s past, and how now, following the inauguration of this office, it has become part of our present and will most definitely be part of our future.