President of Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca attended a fundraising activity in aid of UNHCR

When we commit ourselves to well-being, we are committing ourselves to the creation of a global culture of social solidarity, where the best interests of all individuals, of their communities and their societies, are respected and given their rightful dignity


President of Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca attended a fundraising activity in aid of UNHCR, during her visit to the United Kingdom. During this event, the winner of the Global Citizen Award 2016 was also announced.


President Coleiro Preca praised all the nominees of the Global Citizen Award, stating that ‘‘the focus of the work that has been done by all distinguished nominees for this year’s Global Citizen Award, is central to peace and well-being, and to sustain various vulnerable communities to live a meaningful life’’.


The President said that when as a society, we commit ourselves to well-being, we are ‘‘emphasising our willingness to develop meaningful relationships’’ and to ‘‘the creation of a global culture of social solidarity’’.


This year’s Global Citizen Award was awarded to Dr Imtiaz Sooliman – the founder of the Gift of the Givers Foundation. This foundation is the largest disaster relief group of African origin. Gift of the Givers has worked in many countries around the world, including Bosnia, Pakistan, Somalia, Haiti and Zimbabwe.


The event was also addressed by Deputy High Commissioner of UNHCR, Kelly T. Clements.