Il-President ta’ Malta iżżur attività organizzata minn SkolaSajf b’risq il-Malta Community Chest Fund u l-BOV Piggy Bank Campaign fiċ-ċentru tas-Siġġiewi

Bħala parti miż-żjarat spissi li tagħmel fl-iskejjel ta’ Malta u Għawdex, dalgħodu Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President ta’ Malta, żaret iċ-ċentru ta’ Skolasajf tas-Siġġiewi  waqt l-attività ‘Festa Solidarjetà’ li ġiet organizzata b’risq il-Malta Community Chest Fund.

Waqt din iż-żjara, il-President ingħatat informazzjoni rigward l-attivitajiet li qegħdin isiru, mit-tfal u mill-istaff li jieħdu ħsieb dan iċ-ċentru, biex jinġabru l-fondi għall-Malta Community Chest Fund permezz tal-BOV Piggy Bank Campaign li, qiegħda tiġi estiża għall-perjodu tas-Sajf, fuq xewqa tal-President ta’ Malta.

F’diskors qasir lit-tfal u lil dawk kollha preżenti l-President qalet li wħud mill-isbaħ mumenti li jkollha fil-Presidenza huma propju meta tkun fil-kumpanija tat-tfal. Il-President irringrazzjat lil kull min qiegħed jipparteċipa fil-Festa Solidarjetà, u qalet li huma opportunitajiet bħal dawn li jġiegħlu lit-tfal iħaddnu il-valuri tal-altruwiżmu u s-solidarjetà,  hekk kif bil-preżenza tagħhom huma qegħdin jgħinu lil dawk ħuthom Maltin u Għawdxin fil-bżonn ta’ għajnuna mmedjata, speċjalment f’dak li jirrigwarda l-mard kroniku.

Il-President saħqet li l-Malta Community Chest Fund hija tal-Maltin u tal-Għawdxin kollha. Dan għaliex il-fondi tagħha jiġu biss mid-donazzjonijiet tal-Maltin u l-Għawdxin. Hija tenniet li hemm bżonn li nibqgħu dejjem naħsbu f’xulxin, għax b’hekk biss inkunu qegħdin inħaddnu is-sens tal-imħabba u tas-solidarjetà – valuri li jagħmlu lill-poplu Malti u Għawdxi distint u uniku fid-dinja.

Fl-aħħarnett il-President irringrazzjat lis-Sur Charles Borġ, Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Bank of Valletta, li bħala bank ilu għal ħafna snin involut b’mod attiv biex il-Piggy Bank Campaign tkun ta’ suċċess sena wara oħra – anke permezz tal-implimentazzjoni tal-kampanja fis-sajf. Irringrazzjat ukoll lis-Sinjura Elizabeth Pisani, Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Fondazzjoni għas-Servizzi Edukattivi u lis-Sinjura Rodianne Fenech, Koordinatriċi taċ-Ċentru.

Is-Sur Charles Borg, Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Bank of Valletta spjega li permezz ta’ attivitajiet bħal ‘Festa Solidarjetà’, it-tfal u l-ġenituri għandhom rwol attiv biex jgħinu lil dawk fil-bżonn. Huwa qal li b’dan il-mod, jinsab kunfidenti li l-kampanja ser tilħaq l-għanijiet tagħha.

Waqt din iż-żjara, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, kienet akkumpanjata mis-Sur Edgar Preca.

The President of Malta visits an activity organised by by SkolaSajf in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund and the BOV Piggy Bank Campaign in Siġġiewi


As part of her regular visits in the schools around Malta and Gozo, this morning, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta, visited the Skolasajf Centre in Siġġiewi during the activity entitled ‘ Festa Solidarjetà’ which was organised in aid of The Malta Community Chest Fund.

During this visit, the President was given an overview, by the children and the staff of the centre, of the acitivities taking place to raise fund for the Malta Community Chest Fund, through the BOV Piggy Bank Campaign, which is being extended to the summer months, following a wish of the President.

In a short speech, given to the children and all those present, the President confessed that some of the best moments she experiences during the Presidency are those moments when she is in the company of children. The President thanked all those who were participating in ‘Festa Solidarjetà’ and said that during such activities children have the opportunity to fully channel and embrace the values of altruism and solidarity. This happens because with their presence and participation they are directly helping the Maltese and Gozitan people who are in need of immediate help.

The President told children and parents present that the Malta Community Chest Fund belongs to the people of Malta and Gozo, since the Fund depends solely on the donations given by the Maltese public. She explained to the children the importance of always thinking of each other, and helping out whenever possible, because that is the true meaning of love and solidarity – two values which make the people of Malta and Gozo unique and distinct in the world.

Lastly, The President of Malta thanked Mr Charles Borg, CEO of Bank of Valletta, an institution which has been actively involved with the Malta Community Chest Fund, to ensure that the Piggy Bank Campaign is a success year after year – even with the extension of the campaign to the summer months. She also thanked, Ms Elizabeth Pisani, CEO of the Foundation for Education Services, and Ms Rodianne Fenech, Coordinator of the Centre.

Mr Charles Borg, CEO of Bank of Valletta explained that thanks to activities such as ‘Festa Solidarjetà’, children and parents alike have the opportunity to take an active role to help those in need. He also said that with this in mind, he is more than confident that the campaign will reach its targets and be a success yet again.

Throughout this visit, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, was accompanied by her husband, Mr Edgar Preca.