“We must be the active champions of peace” – Statement by H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta

“The loss of human life in Syria, particularly the lives of children, is a global tragedy. As people of goodwill, and as an international community, we cannot ignore this situation. Furthermore, the use of chemical weapons is not only a violation of humanitarian law as reflected in the Geneva Conventions. It is an unacceptable abuse of fundamental human dignity, which must be at the heart of all our policies and strategies, moving forward to address this unfolding crisis.

I call on every one of us, wherever and whoever we are, to stand in solidarity with the vulnerable and the oppressed. We must be the active champions of positive peace, creating opportunities for renewal and hope, while also promoting non-violent ways of transforming conflict.

I urge us all to stand united, safeguarding the shared well-being of our human family. Let us condemn any and all attacks on the dignity of our brothers and sisters in Syria, and anywhere else in the world. We must replace the rhetoric of violence with a message of peace; we must replace the risk of division with the promise of unity; and we must replace the threat of despair with one common commitment to hope. Let us do all we can to create sustainable peace and meaningful well-being, for the benefit of both present and future generations”.