The High Commissioner of The Republic of Namibia pays a courtesy visit to the Speaker


Late this afternoon, the High Commissioner of the Republic of Namibia, HE Steve Vemunavi Katjiuanjo has paid a courtesy visit to the Honourable Dr Anġlu Farrugia, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Parliament of Malta.

The two dignitaries reiterated the cordial relations that exist between Malta and the Republic of Namibia, following the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries on 9th December 2004, almost ten years ago.
They discussed issues of mutual interest, such as co-operation in the field of avoidance of double taxation and how to enhance trade relations. The participation of Namibian students in MEDAC, IMLI and ITS also featured in the discussion.
They also referred to the importance of the participation of the Republic of Namibia in the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting which will be held in Malta in 2015.