The President of Malta meets Professor Liam Delayne, Professor of Ecomomics at the University of Stirling

This morning, the President of Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca met Professor Liam Delayne. Professor Delayne is SIRE Professor of Economics at the University of Stirling. He is Deputy Head of the School of Management at Stirling University and Director of the Stirling Behavioural Science Centre, a leading research centre in the area of economics, psychology and policy. He has been a faculty member at the University College Dublin, Deputy Director of the UCD Geary Institute, a Fulbright Fellow at Princeton University and, recently, a visiting research fellow at the University of Sydney.


He has developed several teaching and research programmes and published extensively at the intersection of economics, psychology and policy, in particular examining the link between economics and human wellbeing and welfare. He has given several lectures since 2009 to students at the University of Malta and is building lasting research collaborations between the University and the University of Stirling. He regularly presents keynote talks to both public and private sector organisations and strives to communicate clearly the urgency and relevance of key emerging ideas in economics to wide audiences.


Professor Delayne will be one of the guest speakers at the National Conference on Wellbeing entitled “The determinants of wellbeing, insights from research and implications for Malta”. This conference is being organised by the President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society and the Department of Economics at the University of Malta and will take place tomorrow at Verdala Palace. More information about the conference can be found on